How to defend against charges of child endangerment

On Behalf of | Apr 15, 2024 | Criminal Law |

Facing charges of child endangerment is a serious and stressful situation. Such accusations suggest an adult is responsible for putting a little one in danger, either due to particular activities or outright negligence.

While each case is unique, there are general steps one can take to put up a defense.

Examine the charges

The first order of business is to understand exactly what the assertions entail. Child endangerment can be leaving a juvenile in a dangerous situation or failing to provide for basic needs. Knowing the specifics of the charges is fundamental to succeeding in court.

Gather evidence

Next comes collecting proof that contradicts the litigant’s narrative. Courtroom exhibits might include photographs, videos, witness statements or documentation demonstrating acceptable supervision. For example, if the charge involves not putting a child in a car seat, security footage contradicting this may be exculpatory.

Prove a commitment to safety

Displaying an investment in child safety can be a strong defense. Someone might show enhancements to a little one’s living environment, offer up a diploma from an online safety course or bring up consultations with professionals who want to ensure the child is as healthy and happy as possible. Documentation of personal improvements, such as receiving treatment for drug addiction, can also be persuasive.

Provide context

Sometimes, a broader explanation of the circumstances makes certain decisions appear more reasonable. Filling in the details can enlighten jurors as to why the events in question do not constitute a punishable offense.

Defending against charges of child endangerment requires a careful approach. The consequences of a conviction are multidimensional and can have a lasting impact.